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SN5:EP3 “Doest Thou Even Hoist, Comrade?”
Months before the world changed, Chad Niel @PlantBasedChad offered me a Tofurkey wrap off a hummus-smeared plate and chided my reluctance to eat after him. Hauntingly, this twenty-sixth @wanderingaisles opens with a foreboding joke about germs and preparing for “the Big One.”
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SN2:EP3 “On Being in Jeff”s Apartment When He’s Not There”
A tiny documentary on what it’s like to be in a friend’s apartment when they’re not there. Followed by me and Jeff talking about: people who don’t wring out the kitchen sponge; getting way deep into the nature of storytelling (he helps coach me through an impossibly climax-less story I keep insisting on telling). He comes over and cooks me the mushrooms I helped watch for him one weekend in March.Jeff’s a real heavyweight and it was an honor to have him on. He’s “a storyteller, standup, and the guy behind “‘And I Am Not Lying,‘ a variety show that combines stand-up, storytelling, burlesque, sideshow and music on the second Friday of every month at UCB East.”
He’s won a bunch of Moth StorySLAMS, And you may recognize him from stories on This American Life, The Moth, and some things he’s written for The Paris Review Daily.
He also teaches a storytelling class that’s a “six-week workshop for experienced comics and storytellers, to teach the structure and technique of comedic storytelling.” If you’re interested go to his site and contact him here.
Oh and at the end of the show I play one of the stories he told on the moth. With thanks and attribution to The Moth. That’s from their show on the week of August 5th, 2015.
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SN5:EP2 “Panic Buys”
Me and a very funny guy named Denzer, one week into the new world, navigating ransacked aisles in search of last meals. We drive out to a Whole Foods, and King Soopers in the suburbs of Denver, Colorado.Post Views: 4,045