Ritualcraft (Target for Denver Witches) and Botanica Yemaya with massage therapist, hand witch, and healing artist, Abby Jane Palmer @abbyjanepalmer We slash through the shame forests of our religious upbringings and find our way into the clearing of a more inclusive and freeing spirituality. Sex, magic, and good-touch karma flowing through this episode.
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SN4:EP7 “Burnt On Wonder”
The erudite Brian Earl: comedian, improv genius, and savant, guides Andy through the Willy Wonkian aisles of Standard Restaurant Supply in Salt Lake City. (Where all the restaurants get their stuff.) The perils of first dates for comedians, drinking out of shoes, Dad jokes as population control.Post Views: 4,610 -
SN5:EP10 “The Edge of Denver”
What begins as a failed trip to REI for a hat, becomes Steve Vanderploeg @slumdogchillionaire giving @bambifransworth a surprise visit to the now-defunct “Dog the Bounty Hunter” retail store. We walk Sloan’s Lake and find the solace of our earliest curse words among the wary pandemic ducks.Consider supporting the show on Patreon! (or just tell a friend).Post Views: 3,714 -
SN1:EP3 “Present French”
I hope that this conversation with one of the best and brightest French people I know makes up for my lack of insightful commentary on the situation in France. Sami Bronowski is a NYC comedian who walked around Manhattan with me back in April. (I’ve been sitting on this episode because I was worried you guys might think it’s too difficult/distracting to listen to a lively conversation which sometimes battles the sounds of dump trucks and helicopters.) We talked about the usual stuff: girls, mimicking people, food, death, and a lot of other very French type stuff. It’s worth a listen. Very John Cage-esque if you go in for that sort of thing. @SamuelBronowskiPost Views: 4,358