SN5:EP6 “Too Many Wizards”
@haleydrizcoll is our traveling companion today. The joyous peril begins with a traditional pre-show de-crystalling ceremony in front of Andy’s place. Read More
SN4:EP3 “Boat Act”
Tim Duffy, comedian, writer guy for Comedy Central, takes Andy along on his daily commute from Staten Island into the city. Read More
SN4:EP7 “Burnt On Wonder”
The erudite Brian Earl: comedian, improv genius, and savant, guides Andy through the Willy Wonkian aisles of Standard Restaurant Supply in Salt Lake City. (Where all the restaurants get their stuff.) The perils of first dates for comedians, drinking out of shoes, Dad jokes as population control.
SN3:EP1 “Famous Last Worlds”
Andy sets the stage for the first season of Wandering the Aisles. A trip to the Mormon Goodwill, known in Utah as “Deseret Industries,” with photographer Natalie Simpson. Read More